Inquiry Into The Live Music Industry In Wales

Senedd CWLC interview with Prof. Carr

In July 2020, Professor Paul Carr of University of South Wales was commissioned by Senedd Cymru – the Welsh Parliament to create a report examining the ‘state of play’ in the post Covid-19 music industries in Wales.

Click through to see a short interview with Prof. Paul Carr

The music industries in Wales consist of both part-time and full-time stakeholders and although dominated by live and recording sectors, also comprise of other sub-sectors, and like in other countries that we surveyed in Central and Eastern Europe, many stakeholders in the music industries are freelancers, following multi-track careers.

Prof. Carr’s report is particularly interesting for our Music Observatory project because the Welsh nation is a part of a larger entity, the United Kingdom, and many important statistical products may need to be recreated for this sub-national level — something we have been doing with our survey retroharmonization and regional statistical tools for some time.

The Welsh Music Industries in a Post-Covid World will be presented to the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee later this month, and we will publish the entire report in English and start a discussion around it, too.
