Automated Data Observatories

Automated Data Observatories

Automated data observatory



Yes!Delft AI+Blockchain Validation Lab

We ensure that individual researchers, artists, and professionals, as well as NGOs and small and large organizations can benefit equally from big data in the age of artificial intelligence.

[The Data Sisyphus](/post/2021-07-08-data-sisyphus/)Poor metadata management causes much repeated tasks, errors, non-billable hours and uncredited work.
The Data Sisyphus
Poor metadata management causes much repeated tasks, errors, non-billable hours and uncredited work.
[Open Data](/post/2021-06-18-gold-without-rush/)Open data cannot be just 'downloaded'. It is not ready-to-use, and often not even public.
Open Data
Open data cannot be just ‘downloaded’. It is not ready-to-use, and often not even public.
[Trustworthy AI](/post/2021-05-16-recommendation-outcomes/)What can go wrong with the algorithm? Finding unwanted outcomes and correcting them in complex systems.
Trustworthy AI
What can go wrong with the algorithm? Finding unwanted outcomes and correcting them in complex systems.
[Research Automation](/post/2020-09-11-creating-automated-observatory/)Repeaded data processing and validation steps are best made, documented, logged by computers.
Research Automation
Repeaded data processing and validation steps are best made, documented, logged by computers.
[Data](/services/data-curation/) [Curation](/services/data-curation/)Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
[Professional Data Processing](/data/open-gov/#is-there-value-left-in-open-data)Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
Professional Data Processing
Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
[Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks](/services/metadata/)Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks
Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
[Data-as-Service](/services/data-as-service/)Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.

Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.

We are looking for partners to develop our technological solution in a financially sustainable way, bringing increasingly relevant curated open data to light.

Get involved in services: our ongoing projects, team of contributors, open-source libraries and use our data for publications. See some use cases.

Follow news about us or the more comprehensive Data & Lyrics blog.

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Our Product/Market Fit was validated in the world’s 2nd ranked university-backed incubator program, the Yes!Delft AI Validation Lab.

Automated Data Observatories

Try and join our data ecosystems—Our modern data observatories are turning shared, pooled, public and open data with the help of our open-source statistical software into to data-as-service.

[Digital](/observatories/music/)[Music Observatory](/observatories/data-curation/)Our first observatory, with seven years of data sharing history, a model for the European Music Observatory.
Music Observatory
Our first observatory, with seven years of data sharing history, a model for the European Music Observatory.
[Competition Data Observatory](/observatories/competition/)Our youngest, early-stage prototype observatory for computation antitrust.
Competition Data Observatory
Our youngest, early-stage prototype observatory for computation antitrust.
[Green Deal Data Observatory](/observatories/greendeal/)An ambitious project to connect environmental sensory data, political and policy survey data with socio-economic indicators.
Green Deal Data Observatory
An ambitious project to connect environmental sensory data, political and policy survey data with socio-economic indicators.
[Economy Data Observatory](/observatories/economy/)An incubator for socio-economic data observatories. Its first offspring is the Competition Data Observatory.
Economy Data Observatory
An incubator for socio-economic data observatories. Its first offspring is the Competition Data Observatory.
Creative & Cultural Sectors Industries Data Observatory
Relying on modern data science, the re-use of open governmental data, open science data, and novel harmonized data collection we aim to fill in the gaps left in the official statistics of the European Union about the creative and cultural sectors and industries.
Green Deal Data Observatory
An ambitious project to connect environmental sensory data, political and policy survey data with socio-economic indicators.
Competition Data Observatory
Our observatory is monitoring the certain segments of the European economy, and develops tools for computational antitrust in Europe.
Economy Data Observatory
An incubator for socio-economic data observatories. Its first offspring is the Competition Data Observatory.
Digital Music Observatory
The Digital Music Observatory is a fully automated, open source, open data observatory that links public datasets in order to provide a comprehensive view of the European music industry.

Recent Posts


API to our data, our sources, how we process and validate it, how we increase its quality.

Contributors of the Green Deal Data Observatory

Join our open collaboration team as a data curator, developer or business developer! More about contributing: Automated Observatory Contributors’ Handbook.



Daniel Antal

Data Scientist & Founder of the Digital Music Observatory


Kasia Kulma

Contributor, data science and software engineering


Leo Lahti

rOpenGov coordinator


Botond Vitos

Data scientists and developer


Andrés García Molina, PhD

Data Scientist & Ethnomusicologist


Pyry Kantanen

R package testing and data curation.

data curators


Istvan Simon

Data curator, climate risk management


Stephan Okhuijsen

Data visualization and dissemination

service development team


Annette Wong

Contributor, digital strategist and product marketer


Robin Nagy

Mentor, Contributor, Business Development


Suzan Sidal

Business Case Development & Service Design

institutional partners



rOpenGov network



Data dissemination partner

join us


New Curators

Future curator


New Developers

Future co-developer


Observatory Business Associate

Future Team Member


Green Deal Open Collaboration
Mar 2021 – Present the Hague, Netherlands

International Open Data Day 2021:

Trustworthy AI PPP
NLAIC + EU AI Alliance
Feb 2021 – Present the Netherlands
Joined the Dutch & the European AI PPPs.

Open-Source Software

Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages

We believe that transparency is the key to the highest data quality. We use only open source software. We open up the critical elements of our software for peer-review.

  • We use open-source software, there is no vendor lock-in.

  • Our data products go through many, automated (unit) tests, replacing countless error-prone human validation working hours.

  • The critical elements of our code go through external validation and peer-review by computational statisticians and data scientists.

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Open-Source Software

Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages

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(2009). Market size of the re-usable public sector information in Hungary. Market size of the re-usable public sector information in Hungary.

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