We ensure that individual researchers, artists, and professionals, as well as NGOs and small and large organizations can benefit equally from big data in the age of artificial intelligence.
We are looking for partners to develop our technological solution in a financially sustainable way, bringing increasingly relevant curated open data to light.
Get involved in services: our ongoing projects, team of contributors, open-source libraries and use our data for publications. See some use cases.
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Our Product/Market Fit was validated in the world’s 2nd ranked university-backed incubator program, the Yes!Delft AI Validation Lab.
Try and join our data ecosystems—Our modern data observatories are turning shared, pooled, public and open data with the help of our open-source statistical software into to data-as-service.
API to our data, our sources, how we process and validate it, how we increase its quality.
International Open Data Day 2021:
Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages
We believe that transparency is the key to the highest data quality. We use only open source software. We open up the critical elements of our software for peer-review.
We use open-source software, there is no vendor lock-in.
Our data products go through many, automated (unit) tests, replacing countless error-prone human validation working hours.
The critical elements of our code go through external validation and peer-review by computational statisticians and data scientists.
The goal of retroharmonize is to facilitate retrospective (ex-post) harmonization of data, particularly survey data, in a reproducible manner.
Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages