We ensure that individual researchers, artists, and professionals, as well as NGOs and small and large organizations can benefit equally from big data in the age of artificial intelligence.
The Data Sisyphus Poor metadata management causes much repeated tasks, errors, non-billable hours and uncredited work.
Open Data Open data cannot be just ‘downloaded’. It is not ready-to-use, and often not even public.
Trustworthy AI What can go wrong with the algorithm? Finding unwanted outcomes and correcting them in complex systems.
Research Automation Repeaded data processing and validation steps are best made, documented, logged by computers.
Data Curation Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
Professional Data Processing Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
Data-as-Service Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.
We are looking for partners to develop our technological solution in a financially sustainable way, bringing increasingly relevant curated open data to light.
Get involved in services : our ongoing projects , team of contributors , open-source libraries and use our data for publications. See some use cases .
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Our Product/Market Fit was validated in the world’s 2nd ranked university-backed incubator program, the Yes!Delft AI Validation Lab .